Loveless cafe
8400 Hwy 100
Nashville, TN 37221
615 646 9700
The Loveless Cafe is like a oasis in the forest. You are driving along and all od a sudden up pops this wonderful spot.
The Loveless Cafe is like a oasis in the forest. You are driving along and all od a sudden up pops this wonderful spot.
The first thing that appearn on your table as they are asking about your dring preerences is
Biscuits and Preserves peach, blackberry, and strawberry.
Homemade Creamed Corn and Fried Catfish and a Hiush Puppy.
The creamed corn is like none I have ever eaten it was wonerful.
The creamed corn is like none I have ever eaten it was wonerful.
Fried Catfish and Hush Puppy
On this trip I ordered Fried Okra when ever it was on the menu. Twenty plus resturants and I did ot find one that tasted like it was other than out of a package.
More Biscuts
Turtle Pie Now this was an interesting item for a westerner to try and order from a southerner