You know the scenario: You bought some delicious raspberries a day or two ago and you’re super excited to eat them… so you get them out of the fridge and to your dismay they are “wearing a fur coat”! Well, it does get a little chilly in there… 😉
How did this happen? You only just bought them and they seemed perfect!
Mold spores are all around us in the billions. Unseen in the air and on the surfaces of things. If they are present in large enough quantities, they can become a health hazard. Your berries picked up a covering of invisible mold spores on their journey to you – and given the right conditions, these can kick into life fast.
However, there’s a simple way to deal with this in the form of our trusty friend Apple Cider Vinegar. Vinegar is antifungal, antibacterial and also has great properties as a cleaning agent.
Here’s how to do it: – add a cup of vinegar to a bowl of water (around 1 part vinegar to 1 parts water) and leave them for several minutes, perhaps swirling them around gently a little. You’ll probably find the water changes color a little as the diluted vinegar lifts dirt, mold and nasties from your berries. Leave for 1 minutes, then drain and rinse. After rinsing, any vinegar taste should be gone. Then store your berries in the fridge.
You should now find that your berries last at least a week rather than just a couple of days. Enjoy! 
Note that this works for all kinds of fruit and veg and is a good policy to help remove dirt, bacteria and pesticide residues from the surface of your produce.
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