Friday, August 29, 2014

cleaning with Lemon from the Queen of Clean

Lemon juice is nature’s bleach and disinfectant. You can use juice from a lemon or lemon juice from the bottle.
All Purpose Cleaner:
In a spray bottle combine 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of liquid dish soap, 1 Tablespoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of Borox. Label bottle. To use: shake well and spray and wipe for hard surfaces.
Removing rust from white clothes:
Apply undiluted lemon juice to the stain and lay in the sun. This also works on baby formula.
Spots on countertops and similar surfaces:
Not for granite Make a paste of lemon juice and Cream of Tartar or lemon juice and baking soda. Apply to the stain and let it sit until the spot is gone. Reapply if needed or simply add more lemon juice.
Clean brass :
This tip is for solid brass NOT brass plated. Solid brass is gold colored on both sides and brass plated is gold on one side and black on the other. Apply salt to half of a lemon and rub over the brass. Rub until a shine appears then rinse well and dry.
Bleach alternative:
Use ¼ cup of lemon juice and ¼ cup of white vinegar mixed in 1 gallon of warm water. Soak clothes for about 15 minutes prior to washing. You can dump the bucket right into the washer and add your detergent.
Remove stains from hands:
Rub hands with lemon juice to remove stubborn stains. For heavy stains, add salt to the lemon juice and rub firmly, Rinse well and dry. I use this to exfoliate my hands and keep them soft. After I use this mixture I rinse and lightly dry and then apply my lotion.
Butcher Block and cutting boards:
When these become stained rub them liberally with lemon juice and let sit overnight. Wash and rinse before using.

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